
A wide range of fruits and nuts, including raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, pomegranates, walnuts, grapes, and blackcurrants, contain the phenolic acids ellagic acid (EA) and tannic acid (TA). These compounds are being researched as potential treatments for preventing chronic illnesses and aging of the skin. The components in red raspberry seed oil have positive effects on the skin and body. Contrary to raspberry essential oil used in aromatherapy, red raspberry seed oil is produced by cold-pressing red raspberry seeds and is high in essential fatty acids and vitamins. It is said to have several benefits, including sun protection. Numerous studies conducted over the years have established red raspberry seed oil's capacity to block UV rays. UVB, UVC, and UVA are among the various forms of UV radiation. The likelihood of developing skin cancer varies with the type of radiation. The red raspberry seed oil can block UVB and UVC radiation. However, the oil's UVA protection is only moderate. Skin cancer and other skin issues like wrinkles and early aging are made more likely by UVA rays. The characteristics of Red Raspberry Seed Oil for skin health benefits are as follows: • When coupled with other sunscreen ingredients, it absorbs UVB and UVC sun rays and offers some UV protection. It has antioxidants and important fatty acids that combat oxidative stress, lessen inflammation, and can ease inflammatory skin disorders. • It is a good source of vitamins A and E, supporting healthy skin cells' growth and renewal. • It contains a lot of phytosterosis, which helps skin retain moisture and hydration by lowering transepidermal water loss. • It won't clog your pores because it is non-comedogenic. • Antioxidants and vitamins A and E encourage the formation of collagen, which slows the aging process of the skin. • Its linoleic acid lessens acne outbreaks and assists in rebalancing the skin's natural oils. • It can help to promote dental health by reducing bacteria and calming mouth inflammation.